Thursday, November 19, 2009

How can I be a blessing to others from JB

It means do nice things to and for other people even if you don't have to. It could be something as small as opening a door for a disabled person or buying a homeless guy a cup of hot coffee or it could be any number of things larger than that. If you were at a friend's house and their mom ask him to clean his room and do the dishes, you could help him do it. It pays to help others because you'll start to want to help others more.

Here is another thing you could do. You were at home watching tv and your mom was vacuuming the house and the dishes need to be done and the beds made, you could stop watching tv and step in and do the dishes and make the beds.

One other thing you can do to be a blessing is to tell others about God. If you tell someone about God, you are being a blessing to others, and you are being a missionary because you are telling others about God's love and mercy. Then they'll be baptized and be a child of God and go on to tell others about him.

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